Apply Here.Interested in working together? First, fill out this application so I can learn more about you and what you are looking for. Once submitted, I will review and contact you to schedule a 30 minute discovery call! Name * First Name Last Name Email * Age * Are you currently in a relationship? * Yes No Select the statement that best describes you: * I am a highly motivated, successful female who is ready to do the work and go all in with coaching program I feel that my life is aligned in all other pillars - career, family, friends, etc but in love and relationships it seems to be the one place where I am not feeling fulfilled and seeing success All of the above Other What is your biggest challenge with dating? * Finding the time to balance dating with a career, social life, personal time, etc and feeling like dating is a daunting task when I do find the time Not being clear of what values I am looking for in a potential partner and when to communicate that to a potential partner Not seeing success with apps or meeting men in the wild in terms of finding a long term partner Feeling pressure from society, family, etc and comparing where I am in my life to others when it comes to dating / a relationship All of the above What are you afraid will happen if these challenges do not go away? * Continue to feel a lack of something in my life Continue to feel lonely Pulling back from dating all together That I will not find someone and will be single forever All of the above What is your goal with dating? * Find a long term partner with the values and qualities I am looking for Have a more open mind when it comes to putting myself out there and who I am going on dates with Become more clear on what I am looking for in a partner Have fun! All of the above What previous investments have you made in your self growth? * Therapist Coach Books and podcasts relating to self help, motivation, mindset, relationships / dating etc Assessments to understand my strengths, personality, values, etc Combination of some or all of the above Are you open to being challenged by a coach? * Yes, I'm ready to be challenged! No Maybe, but I'm hesitant How committed are you to making a change in your dating life? * Not committed yet I'm not sure Totally committed, let's get started! Which program are you interested in? * The Dating Blueprint Free Flow Coaching Attachment Theory Decoded I am unsure & would like more info Select the statement that best describes you: * I have the financial resources and I am willing to invest in a coaching program I have access to financial resources to invest in a coaching program I have minimal financial resources to invest in a coaching program right now and prefer to do things as cheaply as possible I don’t have any financial resources to invest in a coaching program right now What would stop you from signing up? * Cost of the program I don't feel fully ready to invest in a program I have not done any self work on myself previously I am scared to go all in on a program like this Finding the time to commit to a program Is there anything else you think would be helpful for me to know about you? Thank you! I will be in touch shortly to set up a discovery call. I look forward to connecting!