Helping motivated women embrace being single, enjoy the experience of dating, and make time to date with intention so they can find a long-term partner with the qualities and values they are looking for.

Does this sound like you?

  • 1.

    You do not enjoy being single and have trouble seeing the benefits of this stage in your life

  • 2.

    You are not clear on what negative patterns have occurred in past relationships and how to avoid those patterns in the future

  • 3.

    You have not defined what values and qualities you are looking for in a partner and are unsure when to communicate them

  • 4.

    You don’t know what your love languages and attachment styles are and how they affect your dating life

  • 5.

    You struggle to find the time to date and don’t look forward to it when you do find the time

  • 6.

    You are not seeing success on the apps or meeting meet men in the wild and are left feeling defeated

If you are ready to shift from struggling in your dating life and feeling like you are going to settle to enjoying your dating life with confidence and openness to what being single has to offer, then I’d like to introduce you to….


A 3-month online dating and relationship program designed specifically for the motivated woman who is ready to work from the inside out to unlock a positive dating experience while on the path to finding the right long-term partner.

WHAT’s INCLUDED In the DATING blueprint?

  • 12 1:1 Coaching sessions with me to dive deeper into each step along with exercises in order to challenge limiting beliefs, shift perspectives and gain insight into your dating life.

  • Client portal with training videos, assessments and exercises so you have all the tools at your fingertips to refer back to whenever you need.

  • A 1:1 Coaching session with Relationship Coach and Dating App Expert, Jarryd Boyd who will complete a dating app review of your profile and give you tips/tricks for navigating the apps based on his time working at Hinge.

  • Attachment theory and love language assessments to gain deep knowledge into your unique dating style and how it affects your dating life and relationships.

  • Visioning exercise to gain clarity into what you want in the future so you can make sure the actions you are taking toward finding your long-term partner are intentional.

    Attributes and gifts worksheet to highlight what makes you unique and special so you can experience greater self love and appreciation.

  • Values exercise to define what values are important to you and WHY. This clarity will allow you to quickly and easily identify if someone isn’t the right match for you!

    Naming fears around being single and dating worksheets to list what might be holding you back so you can address them head on in order to move forward.

  • Ideal partner worksheet to create a clear picture of who you are looking for and what to avoid - again, we are all about intentionality here! The clearer YOU get, the easier it is to attract your ideal partner.

  • Texting scripts for guidance so communication in the early stages of dating does not feel so daunting.

What makes this program different from the rest?

  • Certification and Background

    I am a Certified Professional Coach and an Energy Leadership™ Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP) through iPEC (Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching), one of the largest ICF accredited and recognized coach training programs. I combine my certifications and training with my Psychology degree and subject matter research to create this comprehensive program that covers every aspect of dating.

  • 1:1 Customized Coaching

    Forget the one off online courses that do not involve any coaching or accountability, and instead go all in with this program by having me as your coach for 1:1 unmatched support and accountability. Typically, an online course has the best of intentions but goes unfinished with no one working beside you. This program will not let that happen due to the 1:1 nature and relationship between coach and client. Your entire experience in this program is highly personalized and focused on YOU and YOUR goals.

  • Methodology

    In this program, you will be taken through my unique signature methodology that provides my clients long-term success and confidence in dating! I combine research and interviews done with single women, with knowledge and facts from books / podcasts and then add in the final part - you. I am a believer that each client has unique traits and behaviors that dictate different perspective shifts and outcomes. Each client operates differently and that is taken into account every step of the way. This program is not a one fits all rule but bends and changes for each client.

  • Coaching with a Dating App Expert

    In addition to my 1:1 coaching, you will also receive a 1:1 session with Relationship Coach and Dating App Expert, Jarryd Boyd who has been working at Hinge for the past 4 years. Jarryd will perform an assessment of your dating app profile and give you insider tips/tracks on how to navigate the apps and move the communication from app to text.

What’s the process I use to partner with clients to create a dating life they love?

Embrace and enjoy being a confident, single woman

Tired of feeling like you're the ONLY single friend in the group? Do you dread being the 5th wheel at the dinner table? It's time to flip the script and embrace the experience that comes with being single! In step 1, you will understand the power and strength that comes with being single and how to leverage your confidence as a single woman to attract the right partner. You'll dig into how being single can be exhilarating, enjoyable, and powerful for YOU.

  • Challenge your assumptions and limiting beliefs around being single by exploring the benefits. Once you recognize all of the benefits, you will start to reframe your thoughts and mindset around being single. This shift will allow you to approach dating in a lighter and more positive way that will actually attract your ideal partner.

  • Face your fears around being single so you can address them head on and discover the strength and power that comes with being single. By letting go of these fears, you will feel more confident and have a stronger sense of self love.

  • Explore what your unique qualities are through the attributes and gifts exercise. Being clear about this and putting pen to paper will show you just how special you are and that you are desirable to potential partners. We will pair this exercise with self love affirmations and meditations so you truly believe in what you have to offer and feel confident in those attributes and gifts.

Leverage the past to create your ideal future

Unpack your dating history (with zero judgment!) so you can reflect on why those relationships didn't work out, and how those relationships may be impacting your dating life today! Don't go into the dating world blind - every relationship offers valuable information that can improve how you date NOW. This reflection and awareness is critical data for you to use when putting yourself out in the dating world so you can avoid what didn't work and lean into what you actually want in a partner and relationship!

  • Review your past relationships to identify what worked and what did not work so you have greater insight into what an ideal partner looks like.

  • Stop the cycle! Identify past relationship patterns that did not serve you so you can spot these patterns earlier on in the dating stages and avoid repeating history (a common mistake most women make!).

  • Discover how these past relationships affect your dating life today so you can address anything you may be holding on to and make space for a new opportunity.

Define your dream partner

Finding a long-term partner with your desired qualities and values requires some deep thought. In this step, you will be clear on exactly what you are looking for in a partner, how to communicate your wants/needs, and how to assess your non-negotiables. No longer settle for "good enough"- when it comes to finding a long-term partner, clarity on what's important to you is imperative!

  • Uncover your core values so you can stand strong in knowing what’s important to you and what you need in a partner (hint: this ensures you DON’T settle!).

  • Get ready for “the talk”! Knowing how and when to communicate your values is a game-changer (and time-saver) early on in a relationship. Don't make the mistake of “waiting” and wasting time with a partner who isn’t aligned with your values.

  • Gain clarity on the red flags, deal breakers and qualities you want AND need in a partner so you can stay focused on exactly what you are looking for (and weed out others quickly).

Discover your unique dating style

Curious as to how your dating style impacts your dating life? We'll take a look at your attachment style and how that affects your dating life and future relationships. You will also identify your love languages and learn how to communicate those unique needs with a potential partner. It's all about learning what influences a positive dating experience that can lead to a long-term partnership!

  • Leverage awareness around your unique attachment style to see how certain attachment patterns impact your dating!

  • Previous partners not speaking your [love] language? Better understand what your primary love languages are so you can communicate them with ease to your potential partner.

  • Utilize both assessments above to break negative patterns and triggers, and provide you with a deeper understanding of what you need in a relationship.

Balance your time and date with intention

Does dating feel like a time-consuming activity that you just can't seem to fit into your busy schedule? It's time to date with intention so you can weave dating into your life without feeling like you're sacrificing what's important to you. By the end of this step, you will learn how to juggle dating activities with limited time and level set on first date expectations so you walk away feeling good after each date regardless of the outcome. Dating will go from a time-consuming chore to an enjoyable experience!

  • Now that you’ve faced your fears about being single, it’s time to face your fears around DATING! Learn to lighten the burden of dating and embrace the positives that come with it (yes - you can enjoy dating!).

  • Realign first date expectations so you can eliminate pressure and go into each experience with an open mind!

  • Define a post date checklist that allows you to debrief each date and how that person made you feel so you know if it’s a fuck yes or a fuck no.

  • Let’s face it - you’re BUSY. Review strategies for how to find the time to date along with a career, social life, solo time, etc. Set monthly goals for yourself around dating that feel good and aligned with your busy schedule (make time for it when you WANT to).

Navigate the modern dating world

The dating world has changed (and continues to change) over time! Do you feel like you don't even know where to start? No worries. In this last step, you will be prepared to present yourself authentically and intentionally in both the digital and IRL dating world, and feel confident in how to communicate during all stages of dating. From putting yourself out there to dating app and communication best practices, I've got you covered!

  • Learn how to put yourself out there in ways that feel authentic and ignite passion and happiness in your life. Imagine doing things you actually enjoy while attracting the right people.

  • Work with Relationship Coach and Dating App Expert, Jarryd Boyd, on your dating app profile to make sure you are following dating profile do’s and avoiding dating profile don’ts. This will attract more people to your profile so you have more of the right options to choose from.

  • Workshop texting communication and habits during any stage of dating so you can stop second guessing yourself and instead feel confident with every text.


Still not sure this program is for you? The Dating Blueprint is for you if….

  • You have a dream to find a long term partner with the values and qualities you are looking for

  • You have a desire to create more self love and self worth

  • You want to enjoy the dating process and go through it with intention

  • You are ready to learn from a coach who has been on the same journey as you